Being a Saleswoman

being a saleswoman

I had my share of experiences and fun being a saleswoman in my early career days as a Management Trainee.  The day I got featured in my company newsletter (my first employer) as one of the top sales achievers, I was the happiest person on earth. Moments later someone read the news and smirked and said “Aah, you can get that easily, you are a woman”.

Those words kept ringing in my ears “BECAUSE YOU ARE WOMAN”. I did not understand it for a while until I understood that the comment was filled with sarcasm and slander. My achievement was questioned because I am a WOMAN. I do not have extreme views on Gender Equality but I do believe that there are several members in the society who still have limited and biased views on what women can and cannot do. I do not care about what people think, but it does rise heckle when someone thinks that just because I am a women I have an easy professional life.

This article is not to fight over the above stated issue but about sharing my experiences in those early sales days. I would be more than happy if this post could help even one young woman who is trying to make a mark in her career.

The world is full of freaks and you never know when you will meet one. In our professional lives they could appear as bosses, customers, colleagues etc. Mine appeared in the form of few customers. The first case was of a customer during one of the sales meetings. This man was head of a company and sits in one of the posh locals of Mumbai. He listened to half of the presentation and stopped me there and started flirting. I subtly cut that topic and asked when I can hear back from him on his interest to buy our product. He immediately proposed that I should visit his house and discuss the presentation there. I sensed that this is not going in the right direction. I said “Sorry Sir I have to leave”. I wrapped my stuff and hastened out of his office. Yes, I was scared.

I was a novice and did not know how to react to such situations. There were a couple more of such incidences which involved flirtatious messages and shady office spaces.

Like me, I know many young women get scared and keep tight-lipped on such stories. But a few courageous steps and you can take charge of the situation and not feel miserable about yourself for the rest of your life. First of all immediately report the incident to your manager.  It’s not a matter of shame. No one in this world has a right to exploit anyone! Open up the case and ask for help. I did the same and my manager took the right action. The customer was black listed. I was instructed that I have a right to walk out of a customer’s office without making that “much needed sale”, if I smell mischief.

Trust your sixth sense. I have read this several times and I firmly believe this too – women have a sixth sense about people, situations and most of the times it is right. If you feel that there is something wrong with the entire set up or a person or a situation, listen to your conscience and act. In Most of the cases you would love yourself for taking that step.

In such situations most of us get angry, sad, depressed and never ever escalate the matter because we feel that this might bring bad name to us, destroy our career, raise eyebrows or make us become a topic of office gossip. Always remember, there is nothing less than your worth for self. It is better to let it out than foster misery.

I was lucky that my organization had strong work ethics and so did my manager. He supported me. There are cases where such issues are suppressed and the victim is asked or forced to shut up.

My suggestion – leave the organization as soon as you can. If you are being asked not to value yourself that means the company doesn’t value you too. Come whatever may, you will never come in peace with a system nurturing such culture.

Stand for yourself and value yourself. Your success is a fruit of your hard work not a gift showered on you because you are from a certain gender.

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